Inspiration Decks

This collection features the Mixed Media Inspiration Deck™, the WriteNow! Inspiration Deck, The Inquiry Oracle (coming soon), the Limiting Beliefs Oracle (coming soon), and any other decks created or endorsed by Kiala Givehand. 

Inspiration decks are a great way to get your creative mojo flowing. They can help you ignite your energy towards manifesting the creative things you most want in life. They can inspire your creative practice and give you hours of intuitive and intentional creating. 

The Mixed Media Inspiration Deck™ was created by Kiala in 2012. 

Check out this video that introduces the first version of the deck. The deck is now 98 cards and has a different cover, but this video will give you a sense of my intention behind the deck. 

Other Artists Using the 2nd Version of the Deck: 

Mary Beth Shaw

Karen Gaunt

Others with blog posts: 

Belen Soto

Tina Walker

Mary Nasser

Sherry Canino

Torrie Gass (aka Fox and Hazel)

Debi Adams

Cindy Gilstrap

Sandee Setliff

Artist Using the First Edition of the Deck


Roben-Marie Smith

Barb Owen

Carolyn Dube